Babananda Christensen:
Blessings to all of you Dear Souls who are choosing to move into the New Earth. We are making leaps and bounds in Consciousness and with each new progression we are being given new tools and resources to better align to this process.
I have been guided to begin offering Journeys into the Halls of the Akashic Networks where you exist as a multi-dimensional Being of Light. This is something different from simply receiving a Akashic Reading. We explore more of your Higher Dimensional aspects so as to embody them into this incarnate experience. There is a focus on the attributes you have worked with through your Soul's Journey in all of your expressions. This is the opportunity to really anchor in the Higher Light Codings of your Soul Stream.
There will also be additional journeys into the Kahanic Halls where your Eternal Flame is held. This is the place that takes you to the depths of your Soul Stream. This will be available to those who are ready to become Wayshowers in the coming months. This is important for the Portal that will be available on Winter Solstice. You will know if this applies to you in your current pathway, as it will hold a strong resonance. Many of you have prepared for this throughout many lifetimes, which extend far beyond just Earth.
This Solstice will mark yet another tremendous shift in Human Consciousness. Venusian Consciousness will flourish even more so when this Portal fully opens. This entire year has prepared the Earth Mother for this transformation and we as cells of the Earth will support this transition. So many of you are going through the "Dark Night of The Soul" right now so that you are able to fully embody more Light. This is so important right now as we are then able to hold a integral Unity field of energy across the entire Earth extending into the Greater Cosmos. This will be considered the birthing of Christ Consciousness and will take place from the 21st of this month until the 1st of the New Year. We have celebrated Christmas for so many years so as to understand the importance and significance of this particular time of year.
Those of you who have arrived here with Great Purpose will resonate deeply with this message for we have reached the next phase in this Golden Age of Light. The final stage has been set and the Great Work has begun on all levels. "The Masters Are In Place" now as we each take our place in the Great Resurrection of the Soul. Blessings to you all for showing up at such a exciting time in Earth history.
Please message me if you feel guided to take this next leap and we can book a session. Thank you for your Love and Support and most of all your Presence. I am also providing more additional support for those who really wish to deepen and strengthen your purpose here. The details will be posted beneath this message.
~ Soul Purpose and Divine Mission (Melchizedek Initiate Program) ~
Discover what your Soul Purpose is in this incarnation along with Divine Mission for those of you who have shown up with a even greater purpose.
We connect to your Higher Self through the I AM Presence of your Soul to learn more of the choices you made before coming to Planet Earth. We focus on how to better understand your role here in this Human experience and how to align to your Divine Design. Connecting to Starseed origins such as any extra-terrestrial and angelic connections to better represent these levels of consciousness. We do a DNA Activation to reconnect to your Divine Blueprint by working with Light Codes and Templates.
This session will be extended for those who have come here with Divine Mission. You will be brought to the Temple of Melchizedek, and will be greeted by Lord Melchizedek and Lord Melchoir. Here you will be further initiated into the Eternal Order of Melchizedek as a human incarnate. You will be given a Holy Ring of Melchizedek Order bearing the Seal of Solomon for Strength, Integrity and Protection. You will be given specific instructions in how you may best Serve as a Instrument for Divine Will through Planetary Service. We will activate all the necessary Light Codes, Templates and Key Codes to better align to this process. There is a Living Library of Light which will anchor around you as a pillar of Light. This Living Library will be threaded into your entire energy system and you will be presented with a new Guide who will assist you and guide you in how to work through and in the Living Library of Light. You will be given specific etheric tools that connect you to your Divine Mission, such as (staff, ring, crown, robes, jewels, armor, sword, scroll, etc.) and you may even receive multiple items of the similar nature but different in function. You may also embody certain archetypes of Ascended Masters including the virtues in which they express and represent. To complete the session you will be placed in a Diamond Light Chamber for 3 days to facilitate the quickening of your Light Body, and to better integrate and assimilate the new energies.
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