Just picked up my 5th project in Africa in one week's time! Imagine all the calls people on earth are making to their angels, and imagine that we are God and we answer those calls. I love you all! Here is a quick snapshot of the 5 projects that I have just begun to work on co-creating with key leadership of Africa:
1) Ubuntu Contributionism - Michael Tellinger:
- South Africa
- Creating the new community
- Spreading the political movement
- Spreading the vision of the better world
- My next task issued by Mr. Tellinger is putting a Ubuntu candidate into political office in UK
- UBUNTU Party UK - elections on 7 May 2015 - Let's spread the word to get Paul Toussaint elected ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCYz9Qxayow )
<3 Happy Holidays to you and your family!! <3 .............................................................................................................
<3 May your life be filled with blessings! May all your dreams come true; miracles manifest daily; love and abundance; and so it is!! <3 .............................................................................................................
- This video explains it all so well.. essential knowledge, understanding, and what we are all doing physically to make the change happen
- Michael Tellinger is interviewed by Outside The Box Jason Liosatos!
- Jason: explains we are ‘living in a concentration camp’, ‘humanity is desperate to blossom now’, ‘creating systems independent of our government’
- Michael: explains how we have been ‘pushed so far, can be pushed no further’, ‘massive global awakening’, ‘a huge crime perpetrated on our entire species’
- 7 May 2015 Election in the UK!! Ubuntu candidate Paul Toussaint!!
- We are all rallying around Paul to get him elected
- Last year, Michael Tellinger was in the South African election
- Ubuntu may be the 1st party to be in multiple countries at the same time soon.. imagine next year with hundreds more candidates.. are you one in your area?
- Michael: ‘could become the big surprise of the UK elections’ with all of our help!
- Jason: ‘we’re magicians with amnesia’
- Michael: ‘we know that the cures for all disease have been found’, and talks about how we know there is free energy technology, and we should have free electricity, free food, and all of us working together creates abundance of all things, and a perfect life for all
I love you ALL! Enjoy my 1st video! Namaste! :) - 12/12 Activation! - I infused this video with energy, and intention to help activate 12 strands of DNA, and 12 Chakra System in ALL! :)
You are getting closer to your goal each day, as the corrupt and their corrupt practices are revealed. You can be in no doubt now about those who have held humankind in slavery. They are doing their utmost to hoodwink you so that you continue to serve them. The power they possess is what they have taken from you.
You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as "Useless Eaters" [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.
The awakened Irish are taking to the streets on the 10 December. Listen to their call, it's straight from the heart . . .
' An affirmation is usually a sentence or phrase that you repeat regularly to make a formal declaration to yourself and the universe of your intention for it to be the truth. '
- To Read The Full Article (click below), - OR - Continue To The Video Below To Start Changing Your Life For The Better!:
- Check this out! Re-program your subconscious; limiting beliefs have been programmed into our mind, ideas of scarcity, limitation, and negative thought patterns. Affirmations, hypnosis, and other methods help us to program confidence on all level; conscious, subconscious, etc.
RE-EDUCATE YOUR SOUL, Guided Meditation, 3D Sound,
1000's Of I AM Affirmations, PURE MAGIC, Paul Santisi
- Once you correct your subconscious level, then you work actively to produce positive thoughts, words, vibrations, and intentions, always! And you will leave the world of duality behind, and enter the unified field of consciousness, the heart. In the heart there is only love. You will see your world transform to a world of peace, love, happiness, joy, abundance, harmony, and grace. As above, so below; what is in your heart will manifest outside of you as your reality.
- I have infused this article with love!
- Take this wisdom, and transmute 666 in your mind and heart, for the greatest good of all creation!
- I love you! and Enjoy!
Below is a conversation on Facebook, in which one commenter appears to be in their Heartspace, and some reply from Duality. I reply with wisdom from my Heart! :)
Commenter: Daniel S.: Pope Francis is the greatest pope ever! He is an angel. :)
Me: I will not judge the Pope as a Divine Manifestation Of Source. To truly transcend the 3D Realm of Self-Created Hell we must enter the Field Of Oneness, the Heartspace, and End Duality for good. I suggest looking at it from this perspective: Divine Timing has the 'Right' leader in the right roles for the Great Shift for all humanity. As these leaders themselves wake up, as the collective wakes up, they are the Angels. Jesus came down many, many dimensions to effect great change. God Bless All Souls.
On Facebook, Here is a questioned posed, one of the responses, and my response to it!
(At the end is a MUST listen! A channelling of Robin Williams after his death! Textbook!)
Jaka G.: How do you know if you are ready for 5D or no? .. Tracy L.: Things I've heard about 4D: aka THE VOID. Monstrous voices, agonizing moans, and other things of this nature are heard there, Souls in great fear, can get stuck for quite a while, not realizing how 'thoughts are things' there. You can create absolutely any reality one could want, Much like a producer producing any type of desired movie. When I come across a credible source, I wouldn't mind learning more about this dimension. This also sounds like, to me, where suicides go...
Me: Hey Tracy L, great description of 4D! I suggest this channelling of Robin Williams shortly after his death is in agreement with your statement. I also suggest that Robin was ascending into 5D and could not stand the horrors in 4D on his way, being that he is a very sensitive one that always knew 3D Earth was not 'Right', or a Self-Created Hell realm. Facing and clearing your demons and the world's demons is the process approaching the Death of the Ego, Shamanic Death, or any of the many names. The Ego dies, and you shift into your heart, a unified field of consciousness, a world of 'Only Love', 5D! Heaven on Earth! We are there, and I commend all that are helping by lending a hand down to pull those up that are making their decisions. Thank you, and enjoy the video! You will NOT regret this ONE! -------https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hje1YEEAP0